Saturday, 31 December 2016

this is a hard time for some, but there are people who will & want to help us cope with depression, anxiety and loneliness, reaching out is difficult I know, but there is genuine people out there who care. I have been lucky enough to receive some help in the past.

 I wish you well in the New Year,

Monday, 26 December 2016

So...this is a bit gross so you are warned! My Christmas story, for quite a few years I've had scar tissue on the left side of my jawbone, it is a lump of it and really annoying. I have asked civilian and military medical staff about it as it gets sore and been told nothing can do, it is just scar tissue (I have plenty of other scar tissue and it is unlike this). Last night it was sore again, so I decided to operate! so with a pair of nail scissors I got stuck in, out came two large slivers of bone, and also dug further and popped a cyst or something and loads of gross stuff came out and the large "scar lump" has gone.

Friday, 2 December 2016

Hello all
I am still here! just been quiet as been trying get through some stuff, I still am not over injury problems but I need start trying work on getting over this, even if it is just flexibility with out pain.

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Hello, all
I have not been updating as everything has overwhelmed me lately, the injuries,illness lack of being able to do positives, has mean't I have let things spiral downwards and ended up in a bad place with depression and anxiety.

I am trying focus on some reading that can help me and get out with the dog, as my achilles is still painful and to add to it my old back injury is worse at the moment too, this is making any exercise difficult and I am struggling. I want to get out on the hills and running, as I am losing my confidence and fitness which is worrying me and not helping anxiety.

I wish this was a more positive post and really hope my next one will be better.


Friday, 7 October 2016

Well my inner ear seems to finally be on the mend! so hopefully can get out a bit more instead of just dog walks(the dog walks will still happen, Alfie the dog will not be neglected).

I also was lucky enough to receive a Dragons egg Bivvy bag from Highlander, so looking forward to getting out and using that too!

hope this finds everyone well

Monday, 26 September 2016

another hurdle...

Hi not posted for a while as been quite ill, the ear infection i was suffering with turned into a worse infection. The infection has turned out to be something called mastoiditis, it is an infection in a bone behind the ear, the Doctors have had me on few different antibiotics and now seems to be working against it, so hopefully be better soon.

hope this finds all well, and happy too!


Wednesday, 7 September 2016

The Magic Boot (achilles support)

So my new achilles night splint has arrived, or the magic boot as I prefer to call it! this should keep achilles stretched and help it develop strength and mean I wake up to less pain (hopefully pain free), and stop it over tightening after training, as at the  moment this is holding me back frommtraining my fitness has got better and my recovery is much better thanks to training and CurraNZ Sport supplement my muscles seem to be able to handle fast or distance runs just my achilles gets painfully tight.

so fingers crossed the magic boot works!

Monday, 5 September 2016

Back out today after a few days off, my achilles was painful after pushing the speed on my last run, so I had to take a break and let it settle down. So this afternoon I decided on a steady paced 6 miler, the route was slightly hilly but the weather improved as soon as I walked out the door and got hotter and hotter! by the end of the run think I must have been so red I would have glowed in the dark!

My mood has been really low during the period of the last few days I could not run, but after today's run I am in a much better frame of mind. I have said it before and will continue to promote the message that running/exercise does not make your problems and issues like depression and anxiety disappear, but it DOES help us to cope with them.

On a positive note,after the run where I pushed the pace it was only my achilles that suffered, otherwise I felt great and no soreness!, so I think the CurraNZ Sport is still doing its job.

Monday, 29 August 2016

got myself out for a reasonable 5 miler (39:21) and feeling much better for, needed it after last few days where lost grip on it all. got to try and stop being so hard on myself but also I need avoid the things I know make me feel worse and stop sabotaging myself when things are a bit better.

Sunday, 28 August 2016

this week  has just got more and more difficult after mid week, anxiety has built up over some problems I need to face, and I've just made things worse and managed to do nothing,hope next week is better as feeling useless and very low

Sunday, 21 August 2016

Sunday night write up

Hello all
I've really been trying this week to cope with things better, I say this as had some bad days but working on how I deal with them and trying not let them last as long! (easier said than done, but as long as I try that's what counts). So despite bad visits from the "Evil Monkey" that is depression and anxiety, there has been some good.

I have managed get myself out running every day and my run streak is on day 28 today!  even though had a few lighter  mile days due to tweaking my achilles, which causes me to stress and the evil depression monkey to sit on my shoulder a lot, but I've tried reading through help material I have to cope and not panic and let it spiral, and on a good note was ok to do a comfortable 10 miler today.

I also started this blog about the outdoors and exercise to help with depression and I know I talk more about running but the other activities help as much and one of them I take part in, and yet do not talk about as much is cycling I realised this and want to promote it to those with depression and anxiety more, for two reasons firstly I know running is not everyone's thing and secondly cycling is great for being able to explore over distances of area's that most runners would not consider. I have been talking to someone about trying write a piece about cycling and hopefully going to have the chance to write up something with lots of knowledgeable input from them soon.

I have also update the Curranz Sport review now as it is the end of week 2, not only am I really pleased with it but also working on something to hopefully get you folks a discount! so you can try it out too :)

just want finish by saying well done and thanks to all those who competed at Rio 2016 Olympics, it has been a great show, the athletes have been inspiring and motivational to watch and thanks to Rio for putting it on.

Monday, 15 August 2016

CurraNZ Sport - Super food Supplement - - REVIEW - Updated week 2

I have recently started using CurraNZ Sport a Super food Supplement, I do not usually go in for supplements, but one of the problems of depression is energy levels and these seemed like they could help also with recovery which as I get older has got a lot harder.

so a little about CurraNZ Sport - it is a superfood made from New Zealand Blackcurrants it is also suitable for vegetarians and Vegans too.

  • Blackcurrant polyphenol componds, called anthocyanins, may have great potential for health and disease prevention
  • They are naturally-occuring plant compounds that give the fruit their deep purple colouring
  • New Zealand blackcurrants have one of the highest recorded anthocyanin values and antioxidant activity of any berry

 CurraNZ harnesses all the powerful anthocyanins found in NZ blackcurrants

  • Only CurraNZ capsules contain EnzansTM, a proprietary blend of 35% New Zealand blackcurrrant anthocyanin extract   
  • Suitable for vegetarians and vegans 
  • Each capsule contains the equivalent of approx 85 NZ blackcurrants
Offering great value for money, one 30-capsule pack has the equivalent of 2,500 nutrient-dense New Zealand blackcurrants 
Week 1

This is the results after week one ( the loading period) firstly I want to talk about side effects, the main reason being I have suffered none! this in itself is a real benefit as I have a sensitive stomach and when I tried some other juice type extracts I felt sick, but I have been fine with CurraNZ.

I started using these part way through my current run streak so have been training regularly, which for me normally means I struggle with energy to train and definitely with achy legs. The energy levels I have had has seemed to increase noticeably, especially towards the latter period of the week, and the recovery has been fantastic no walking like a robot.

This is the review after week 1 I am going to update during a month of use

Week 2

So last run of week 2 done and it was a 10 miler! it felt pretty comfortable too at a pace of 8:09 a mile and was not pushing the pace, over all miles slightly less this week as I tweaked my achilles so dropped miles during the week, but recovery is still great be it a long run or a speedy one no aches the next day, and energy levels are good as runs seem easier and I'm a lot less tired in latter stages of runs. Just want mention that still no side effects of stomach problems which is such a benefit with a supplement..

for more info on CurraNZ Sport or to order head to

Sunday, 14 August 2016

Day 20 still running...

Today is the 20th day of my run streak I did a gentle paced stamina run of 9 miles which gives me a total of 101 miles in 20 days, things are improving I'm slowly increasing my mileage each week on long runs (after so many injuries I need be careful) and also when I try putting the pedal down I am slowly getting pace back, with a 3 miler now under 22 mins.

The run streak is not so much a challenge type thing for me it is just trying get out often to try cope better with depression, I have also been trying out a new supplement to try help with energy levels and recovery, energy levels are real struggle with depression but it seems to be helping, I'll be posting a full review soon.
Hope everyone is enjoying the Olympics there has been some amazing performances and very inspiring also some great characters who remind us exercise and life should be fun, it is easy to forget...

Saturday, 13 August 2016

had a real bad night with feeling low and finding positives, then managed drag myself out for a quick 3 miler and managed a much faster time and pace has started to come back, grateful for it I needed a positive today...thanks legs!

Gareth (TheTryAth)

Thursday, 11 August 2016

Event booked - The Endurancelife CTS Dorset Ultra

Well as I turn 40 this year I've booked an Ultra to celebrate! The Endurancelife CTS Dorset Ultra, the event looks stunning along the Jurassic coast path. There is actually quite a few distance events on the day including 10k, half Marathon, Marathon and Ultra (33.5 miles) and even an Ultra + (45.5 miles).

looking forward to the event and posting a review and how I got on, if folks are interested I'll post a link to the site for more info and to book.If anyone else is going to run it let me know too and what distance :)

Gareth (TheTryAth)

Sunday, 7 August 2016

Run Streaks, Rio Olympics 2016 and coping with bad runs.

Well today did not go as planned! it is 13th day of my run streak and guess 13 unlucky for some...well unlucky for me. The weather was really hot and I was planning a slow but long endurance run, after about 6 miles though I did not feel good with the heat so decided to play it safe and cut the run short and took a route home so ended up a total of 8 miles, it was also much slower than intended but I guess better safe than sorry, I am trying not be hard on myself about it and just let it go, but these things do get me down.

I've ran 34 miles in total this week  so at least that is an increase, but really want to get comfortable at longer distances again. I guess have to remind myself why I run and not get too focused on just time and distances, bad days will happen in running as with everything and how I cope with them and other let downs is something I am working on.

On a plus I have been trying watch the Olympics, those folks competing are amazing! it is motivating and a positive to try watch when I'm not in good place with depression kicking in, I did feel sorry for the guys in the cycling some nasty crashes with those roads.

I have also been looking at some new routes, I really want to get a little action camera to take some pictures from some of my routes and show why the outdoors helps me to cope with depression and anxiety, it is pretty hard to describe how calming some paths and scenery can be.

oh well hope next run is better and next long run too! and good luck all at Rio 2016 Olympics too, and hope is a good week for all.

Gareth (TheTryAth)

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

running motivation Beth Pascall and her Lakeland 100

There is always great motivation out there on on social media to help with running, I've just been reading about Beth Pascall's amazing Lakeland 100 2016 run. It is well worth a read if you have not already :)

and well done Beth!


Sunday, 31 July 2016

running event suggestions needed

Hi this week unintentionally turned out to be a little run streak. I had Monday, the day after Snowdonia trail half marathon off then have run every day so far, so six runs in six days and a total of 30 miles. I have not crazy on the distances just have wanted to run everyday and been able! (no pain,so far), I did a longer one today of 8 miles and even that felt ok and I did it in 1:05:27.

It has helped massively with mood too, as the bad spells with depression and anxiety have not lasted as long when had them over the last week. I hope the next week is as good as this one running wise, and will keep trying be more positive. I've also been feeling more inspired run wise and as well as wanting to complete my mountain leader course, as another goal I really want to build to running in an event abroad, I'm thinking Iceland at the moment as always wanted to visit there.

If anyone has any suggestions on some amazing international running events ideally at least half marathon and up to trail ultra, then let me know! all suggestions welcome.

you can get me at twitter as I'm @thetryath

hope it has been a better week for all,and next week is better still!


Thursday, 28 July 2016

rainy day runs, enjoy them!

got out in the rain for a run today, I actually quite enjoy running in the rain. I think as long as you wear the correct gear most people would but common mistakes is people run in gear which is not right and soaks up the water and ends 10 pounds heavier and a horrible run, stay with light quick drying gear and a good waterproof jacket(I recommend a hood on it, you'll be grateful on long trails) and do not be scared of running in the rain, we are waterproof! and it can be a very relaxing experience, washes away some of the stress.


Wednesday, 27 July 2016

think it must be guilt over how unfit I felt at Snowdonia trail half marathon but managed a 3 mile recovery run yesterday and a 4 miler today which has helped loosen up tight legs, achilles is a bit sore but actually feels a bit better think the long rest before the half marathon did it good.

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Scott Snowdonia Trail Half Marathon 2016 - REVIEW

So Sunday morning I made my way to Llanberis feeling totally unfit! I knew I was not in great shape this year due to consistent injuries, but I had paid for entry to run the Scott Snowdonia Trail Half Marathon  2016 and I really wanted to complete it. I had actually originally paid for entry to the full but dropped to the half as I knew the full was too much this year and also a friend entered the half too, so it was a nice change to start an event with someone I knew.

There was some light rain as I got to the electric mountain visitors centre and checked in, the race goodies were given out before the race(a nice tech t-shirt,some gels and a protein bar), the kit list was confirmed as full waterproofs and hat and gloves along with recommended water bottle/hydration pack. I had no problem with this as always advisable for a run on Snowdon anyway.

just over the first half of the 13.2 miles is taken heading out towards Rhyd ddu and then an ascent of Snowdon on the Rhyd ddu path, a nice scenic route(on a clearer day than we ran that is!) but some quite difficult sections of long climbs. So you know hit the top and and have a pleasant jog down Snowdon on the Llanberis path, at the bottom it veered right and you hit a VERY cheeky climb up around the quarry, I really struggled here...well even more than the rest that is, then a jog back down and the home straight.

The finish was well stocked with drinks and fruit and sweets etc to get some energy back and feel some satisfaction at having completed the course, I have now completed the the full marathon (2015) and the half (2016) courses of the Scott Snowdonia trail marathon and I recommend both, the courses are difficult  as you would want for an event of this type but the beautiful scenery and amazing atmosphere really help you around the course along with top rate event team and volunteers to whom I owe my thanks :)

I score this 5/5 as event I cannot fault it, and I will be back next year too.

Gareth (TheTryAth)

Sunday, 24 July 2016

first race bling of 2016!

well managed the Snowdonia trail half marathon even with dodgy achilles, I'll post a full review soon about this very,very cheeky half marathon! (when I can think straight again) it has been a long day....

here is picture of my race bling though :)

Thursday, 14 July 2016

what started out as a pleasant 5 mile run on a sunny day was a nasty last few miles due to the dreaded runners belly ache! lesson learned when you know you have not drank enough fluid during the day, do NOT try to fool yourself wait a while to run and get the fluids down yourself first...


Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Hi some video reviews I did for Criteek are available too @MONTANEuk minimus smock video review :)

and Newton Kismet review at

my video's are under my name Gareth Hughes, be nice if got some views

Robens Starlight 2 - 2 berth tent - REVIEW

I finally plucked up courage to purchase a new tent (thanks to my creditcard!), anyway after looking at around at what was available in my budget I settled on the Roben Starlight 2, a few reasons its light enough at 2.6 kg, but roomy enough for me and gear for a comfortable night. The Startlight 2 also is waterproof rating 5000mm hydrostatic head and reviews I read said it held out water better than some competitors around the same price. The Starlight 2 is also INCREDIBLY easy to pitch, now I know a lot of lightweight tents are easy to pitch but due to the Starlight 2's build of one central support pole and 4 built in short supports, one at each corner means you can throw this up in no time on your own.

I have run a test pitch and it took a couple of mins to pitch on a windy day, easy to pack. A good feature is the one pole is sturdier than some other support poles on tents I've used when you flex it you are not scared your going to hear a snapping sound!. once the flysheet is up its easy to attach the inner layer, but its easy enough to leave attached and pitch as one in future.

Here is some photo's, I'll be updating this review as I use the tent and in varied conditions.

Here is a link to the ROBENS website for more info if anyone is interested.

I purchased this tent from Blacks in their sale at £119.99, as there was a discount code for new customers that got me 15% off!

update coming soon, thanks for reading

Gareth (TheTryAth)

Monday, 11 July 2016

New Tent has arrived so new review on the this space!

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Really hot day out there on today's 5 miler, also achilles still tight very tight on first mile or two so stride pattern felt uncomfortable...all in all the run was not my best but I enjoyed being out and that is the main reason, I struggle with expecting the best run and faster every will not happen! some will be good some will be not as good, but I have to learn to see the positives in every run and they are there...just have to remind myself why I run :)

have a good day
Gareth (TheTryAth)

Sunday, 3 July 2016

be nice! (to yourself)

A nice sunny 8 miles today, was a bit kinder to myself too as achilles was a bit sore I slowed pace and just took it easy rather than over doing it and pushing the pace.I know feel better for the run and for remembering I need help myself and doing what I can is enough. :)

If starting out or struggling through injury think it is a common thought to try "push through", but sometimes we have to look after ourselves in the long run you avoid long term problems and you remember why you enjoy it!

hope it has been a good weekend for all
Gareth (TheTryAth)

Thursday, 30 June 2016

Hi all
a friend was home on leave so did another jog/walk up Snowdon today, early start as weather was supposed to clear then but mist was heavy at the top. still enjoyed it although see how my legs are as done a lot this week.

Snowdon its all about the view....

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

well as usual my mood is up and down, today felt a little better tried focus on what I can do and went out for a comfortable 5 miler kept it slow as achilles was a bit sore but enjoyed the grateful for the positives I do have I guess.

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

I needed to try clear my mind to today,too many setbacks recently with the things I am trying to do to move forward.So a 10 mile walk, did not mind the rain it helped .

Monday, 27 June 2016

I am sorry all, feeling very low and struggle at moment...hope things get better and can post something more positive soon.

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Hi doing shorter faster runs at moment  for a change, but need get that stamina back up problem is trying to keep injuries away! also just like to say well done to the Wales football squad great performance so far!

still trying to get this mountain leader qualification course completed, but struggling with support and costs etc...I want do this though to try help others in future

Sunday, 19 June 2016

managed a few runs this week, still being careful as leg pain had come back, also trying strengthen ligaments and tendons again with plenty of walking which always helps with trying to be positive as my dog loves being out. Today was a wet walk and feel better for getting out, just shows even in bad weather the outdoors helps.

also just wanted say I am thankful for the people who do support me, been a difficult few weeks even more than normal and I know when I am down I am not much fun to be around, so thank you.

Sunday, 12 June 2016

doing another day of lunge and squat circuits while calf is sore running

Sunday, 29 May 2016

I need a Tent!

As I have a few days enforced rest as dodgy leg has been a bit painful (too much pace too soon), I have been looking at what I need for goals I currently have, I need a quality tent! I need one suitable for the mountains and lightweight enough for running events too...oh well that's on the wish list!

Thursday, 26 May 2016

well firstly another set back a History course I really wanted to do and would have helped with my degree and been a big step forward has unfortunately refused me a place, seems like as I'm a mature student and distance learner at open uni, so not at the 'right sort' of Uni for them...a shame that the BSR does no support all classical history students.

I have still managed to get out running though and I'm actually starting get a bit faster again which is a nice positive, so still keep trying move forward, but I find the knock backs very hard :(

Saturday, 21 May 2016


Hi all
I've had these boots for a weeks now thank to HI-TEC and have waited to post review till had given them some good use. Here is the photo's from unboxing these beauties :)

 I've worn a lot of different hiking boots over the years from heavy winter boots and military combat boots to lightweights and it is hard normally to get a good balance of support and construction without the boot getting very heavy. The Hi-Tec's have coped really well with this and gave me plenty of support(I have a dodgy ankle) on some really poor terrain, the tread also is well designed and I found it bit into the terrain when I need it on scrabbley ascents and descents. When talking about comfort it is worth mentioning the OrthoLite® Impressions insole these do as promised and after you've worn them for a while they do mould to your feet, and you notice this when swap from a normal shoe to them.

The weight does make a difference when trying set a bit of a pace and these boots keep your feet warm but not uncomfortably so even in quite warm weather I found, which can be a problem with some waterproof boots. I think the Vibram RollinGait System midsole which is designed to help your walking gate also helps you set a brisk pace naturally, well it seemed to help mine.

So to give some info I have tried these on some long walks on trail paths, also mountain walk and some hill walks so they have coped well in all conditions too (mostly wet Wales, but few warm days!)

Thanks HI-TEC for making a great pair of boots which I happily recommend, and the big question would I buy again...yes! I have some more images from the field tests as soon as I get sent them (they were not taken on my phone..)

here is a direct link to HI-TEC Online store if anyone would like more information
Gareth (TheTryAth)

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

The Guardian of the Bridge!

Nice walk this morning with my Dog always helps my state of mind, and behold Alfie 'The Guardian Beast of the Bridge', only a tribute of buttery toast or fish fingers will gain you safe passage!

Monday, 16 May 2016

an inspirational runner, Nicky Spinks

I have been following online Nicky Spinks as she runs the Double Bob Graham Round, she completed it in a new record of 45 hrs 30mins what an,awesome lady and achievement! really found this story inspirational. Not just her run but her background story, reading about people like this gives motivation and strength to all.

congratulations to Nicky

on twitter she is @NickySpinks

Saturday, 14 May 2016

setbacks and support

I know setbacks happen to everyone, but part of depression is it is very hard to gain any confidence and positivity and hope, then when you do then it is easy to lose it! I've had quite a few setbacks lately, and when thinking clearer you can accept them but depression makes you take them ALL personally. Also you find out who really believes in your recovery  when you need support, people say great idea's to try do positives but when you ask them for some support they turn you away..

I am going to try go forward with some idea's like getting my mountain leader award eventually, but please world try be nice for a while and help me out, while I try be positive and not knock me down so often...


have a good weekend all

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Hi all
got out for an early run this morning, sometimes I forget how much of a positive experience running very early in the morning is, feeling better today than I have for a long time.

if you have never ran early it is worth a try, especially now the warmer weather is here! :)

Sunday, 8 May 2016

ran 5 miles in 41m 16s. had a bad week felt rubbish not ran since last sunday and eaten loads, so struggled today try for a better week from tomorrow!

Sunday, 1 May 2016

Upped the miles again today, an easy pace but 8 miles in 1:07:38. I needed it too! had a stressful day, but tomorrow is a new day, and I'm going try not hold on to issues...easier said than done but I need do it.

 I still want try move forward with mountain training as think that could help me socially and confidence, but travel is an issue at moment, need some help or support...or need a fairy god mother to turn a pumpkin into a car!

Sunday, 24 April 2016

So my week...well it finished on a better note, I got out and did a longer run again today, I the kept pace comfortable (58:17) and enjoyed my 7 miles. I managed 3 other shorter distance runs too and actually got a bit faster on my 4 miler! so some positives there.

I have also done some other things I have been putting off, I had some appointments about support, always difficult as means have to open up about problems which I find difficult, and lowers mood afterwards and my anxiety goes really high in the days/weeks before an appointment.But I got it done which is a step forward.

I have also started making more moves towards getting more time on the mountains and to help get my mountain leader award, and someone has offered some support and company when they can, they have limited free time due to their work so I am grateful for their offer.

There has also been some helpful feedback from some online sites , and hopefully one is going write up on their blog an advice piece for me and others think of doing mountain awards, about advice for mountain leader award gear etc, so I will link in as I will be reading that.

so a difficult week, stress has been high and some real low points,but I actually got through and got some of the things I wanted and needed to do done, this a good week for me.

Here is to a good week for us all next week
Gareth (TheTryAth)

Saturday, 23 April 2016

Arc’teryx Norvan SL - Gore-tex jacket - Review

I was lucky enough recently to win a prize from +EllisBrigham from a competition they ran on social media. The prize I received was perfect for me it is an +Arc'teryx Norvan SL gore-tex running jacket, I've used it quite a few times now and this is my review.(just to note my review was not part of me winning, it is just something I have decided to do)

First impressions

The jacket is very light but more robust than some(feels more sturdy than my Montane Minimus smock), it comes with a small stuff bag which can be secured internally on the jacket when not in use.The colour although black has some clear his viz flashes for safety in poor light conditions so being seen and safe is still ok with this.The hood is a good fit although it leaves the entire face uncovered, this a personal preference as some prefer this and others where when fully zipped some jackets cover the lower part of the face.The fit is generous I normally take size XL but the Large size fitted me comfortably. One thing to be aware is the Jacket does not have any storage, but it is a rain shell so not really a massive issue.

Field Test

I've used it in some varied conditions now, packs away easy and can be unpacked and worn quick too. The jacket is a great waterproof and and a great layer on a windy day too, the gore-tex works well and the jacket breathes very well when conditions get warmer and as you heat up. The fit is good running cut plenty of movement range in the arms and the cuffs and bottom of the jacket are well elasticated to keep fit.Only drawback for some it the lack of storage as requires alternative for map etc.


I like this jacket its a comfortable running water shell, and sturdy enough for some wind proofing.The fact it is full zip is a benefit for heat dispersion, and I like how small it packs can fit in a running belt pouch.

Thank again ARC'TERYX and the folks at Ellis Brigham Mountain Sports

new reading material, Mountain Training

As I wrote recently I want in the future to complete my Mountain Leader award, so as it is necessary to register at,I have got that done. The reason got this done is I need start logging my days on the mountains and I had a bad day and just needed a positive move towards a goal.

so I got some new reading material through the post today.

have a good weekend all


Wednesday, 20 April 2016

how much can 5 seconds annoy you...quite a bit when if had been 5 seconds faster on today's 4 mile run I would have been under 30 mins....the things that stress runners! :)

Monday, 18 April 2016

trail snack...for midges!

so on today's run the midges were out on force! I knew I was in trouble as they love nothing more than a sweaty runner! and the sun was out which means I was a very sweaty runner, I am now covered in bites but wondering if running and feeding the midges counts as multi tasking and a new skill? :)

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Getting the boots!

exciting look what arrived today, any guesses? a new hiking/mountain boot review on the way, thank to the folks at Hi-Tek UK.

Monday, 11 April 2016

now and then...

Hello all
A few more positive things coming up, I am still out and about running and actually getting a bit faster which is nice! my injured icalf is still not 100% but it is getting there and I am taking it slowly.
The other good news hopefully some new reviews as I get out on the  more, there is definitely a review for the Arc’teryx Norvan SL jacket coming up as I won one in a competition at Ellis Brigham Outdoor equipment store. The is also hopefully going to be a walking boots review when I can replace mine.

 I am also looking at trying to complete the Mountain Leader qualification, I want to do this as I would like try help others who are going through and been through depression an anxiety receive the benefits from the hills and mountains, it is pretty expensive though so will take time to fund and also the social side of the course would be a huge step forward for me.

so I am trying to create some positives for me, and hopefully others too.

hope this finds you all well
Gareth (TheTryAth)

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Snowdon - LLanberis path

I managed to get a walk up Snowdon yesterday, we went up the Llanberis path as weather looked a bit tricky so just wanted a walk without scrambling. It turned out a good idea as weather on upper sections was atrocious high winds and sleet, still the mountain is a great place in any weather, it helps with calming my mind down and cope with depressive thought.

Really glad I went, as nearly called of as not feeling good anxiety is high, it makes life difficult and hardly sleeping again lately with anxiety, which does not help depression...a vicious circle! I want to be better but thought of more social contact is just too much, cannot cope. It is easier to write these things here than say them.

I want a life again....sometimes, then others and most of the time just want lock myself away as cannot cope, tomorrow is another day though and I shall keep trying.

Going to try run more again, I'm still running on good days or moments when I can

hope all is well
Gareth (TheTryAth)

Monday, 21 March 2016

Hi all
this month is going much better running speed and stamina picking up now, I ran 29:28 for a 4 miler today. I am only running 3-4 times a week but trying doe a few circuits and cross trainer etc too. Its a few months away now to Snowdonia trail marathon, I am doing the half this year so not putting too much pressure on injury recovery and myself too.

outside of exercise things are there usual mix of up and DOWN, I've been finding it hard to focus and concentrate, hence not posting so much. I had a few disappointments in a row and really struggled to cope, thought I had found a new place to live and it all fell through and that really got to me, I still struggle but as long as its a struggle I am trying....right? I hope so as I am doing as much as I can, when I can, there are days and some weeks lots of them when I can do nothing and face the world or myself, but all we can do is try and be grateful for good days or even just moments...

wishing all well
Gareth (TheTryAth)

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Hello world

still here still running! had a few real bad days and struggled to do anything. but yesterday and today managed get back out running and my speed is actually improving back down to 31:16 for 4 miles, hopefully be under 30 mins soon that would be a confidence boost.

hope this finds you all well

Gareth (TheTryAth)

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Trigger Point GRID mini foam roller - Review

Hi all
just posted a new video review of the Trigger Point GRID mini foam roller, a handy portable size bit of kit. I have found it has helped stretch out my recovering injury in my calf.

the video review can be found here. Trigger point Grid mini foam roller

Sunday, 28 February 2016

I'm a happy little running monkey today! upped the speed and ran 4 miles in 32.23 and leg was ok :)

feeling more positive than have in ages.

Gareth (TheTryAth)

Friday, 26 February 2016

Sunday, 21 February 2016

this week 21/02/2016

Hello all
Well I managed some better runs this week, although I am a bit disappointed as I got twinge in old injury so had to switch run to cross trainer an no impact today, still did an hour of cardio so trying not be hard on myself, I have to be careful I want stay injury free for Snowdonia.

So that's the physical side, on the other had a few pretty bad days with depression and affected some things I wanted to do, again the running has helped when I can do it. I also am trying be kinder to myself something we all need do, being harsh for things you have been unable to do just brings mood lower and a vicious cycle. So be grateful for good days is my motto at the moment.

wishing everyone well
Gareth (TheTryAth)

Friday, 19 February 2016

A question? not quite sure which is sadder...the fact I'm really annoyed forgot to buy low fat cottage cheese and ran out or that these days on a Friday night I sit in eating low fat cottage cheese!

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Running helped this week, also new video reviews!

first full week of running for a while, ok so pace was not going break any records but trying not worry about that, as in the past pushing too hard as been what has got me injured again!. I  ran 5 days this week and managed a 6 miler today, so a total of 23 miles  and feeling much better for it.

on the other side its been a difficult week too,depression has been difficult to cope with so trying focus on my running even more as a positive.

on a final note I've now started posting video reviews of gear at Criteek, I'll be updating some reviews and posting some new ones soon. You can catch them all at my Criteek profile at

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Hello world
still here and working hard this week lots of studying and running and circuits, need to get my weight back down to help my running! today really put the effort in on a run and then a long circuit session and my reward....a huge blister that may get its own postal code it is so big! would share a photo but do not want gross you all out!

enjoy whatever you do, and concentrate on now, the past is gone and the future is a result of what we do now :)

Gareth (TheTryAth)

Monday, 8 February 2016

Hi all
back up to running 4 miles pain free now, not going push the pace just enjoy it and work on stamina for a while, I have a goal think think this year will run the Snowdonia half trail marathon as I do not want push it by training for and running the full marathon.

a better start to a week

Saturday, 6 February 2016

continuing with my attempts at positivity, I attended an optional day with Uni course today. This is quite a big step for me as I still struggle with social interaction but glad I did go, I think the fact I'm running again is really helping, it gives a break from anxiety and some positive action.

now to try keep it up!


Friday, 5 February 2016

 making the most of positive days is something I have learned through depression, today the sun was out so  I got myself out for a 30 min run (still not got my fitness back), but trying not be hard on myself over lack of fitness and just be grateful I can run and I enjoyed today.

have a good weekend all, whatever you do

Gareth (TheTryAth)

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

A happy day!
Well I can run pain free again, so gentle 3 miler's to start with for now. felt good to run though...

hope to be posting a lot more now :)