Well as completed 2nd half marathon yesterday, I now need set myself some new goals! apart from finishing off the next assignment for my open university course that is...also going to have some other gear reviews over next few weeks which should be fun.
So goals I have come up with so far I want to try get my Half marathon time down to below 1:40 mins, that could take a while but means I need find my next half marathon event. I also want to attempt to complete a full marathon just for the experience.
So to do this I need to get online and find my next event, I've been on the event finder on the Runningbug website as well as done few internet searches and have a few idea's, but need confirm dates and location are going to be feasible for me to get there.
Next up training I want to try stay more positive and be training more, as with my therapy support cut this is going be a hard few months. I am going to try mixing it up more with some more long hill work (I suffered on last run on the hills), and also some interval sessions to try and up my speed.
I will also be posting some new gear reviews including some Gore running tops and very exciting a new GPS watch...and a surprise review(exciting!)
wishing everyone well in mind and body.
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